Lungelo Mpangase Actress Joins The Wife As Sambulo’s Lover

Lungelo Mpangase Actress Joins The Wife As Sambulo’s Lover

Lungelo Mpangase Actress Joins The Wife As Sambulo’s Lover

Lungelo Mpangase, who played Poppy in Lingashoni, has been cast as Sambulo’s new love interest Xoli in Showmax’s telenovela The Wife.

Mpangase goes on to say that her character has connections with all of the other wives in the telenovela She is not arrogant, but she is a tomboy in a seductive way.

“Xoli is a very free-spirited person, she believes in her own rules and knows the power that she has. She’s not your typical submissive Zulu girl, but lives by her own rules and is very free sexually, hence she knows the power she has with her body,” said Mpangase.

Lungelo Mpangase, who plays Sambulo in The woman season three, tells Sunday World that Sambulo is now more open and suggestive, and feels more like a man with Xoli.

“ The difference between Xoli and Lungelo is that I’m a ‘ girly girl ’ and Xoli is stalwart and intelligent. Xoli does effects that I do n’t suppose I would indeed dream of doing, she’s stalwart and out there, meanwhile, Lungelo is an wallflower. ”

still, I was n’t going to be true to my performance, because I would have some dubieties and ask myself if I ’m doing the right thing, “ If there was a bit of me there. For me, that was one of the challenges that I’ve had with playing Xoli. ”

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